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Why Do Your Best Customers Buy From You?
95% of salespeople can’t answer this question correctly.
Today I’m going to ask you why your best customers buy from you, and you’re going to think about some answers. They’ll be pretty good answers, but here’s the trick…
If you haven’t asked, you don’t really know.
For years, I’ve been saying that if you lined up 100 salespeople and asked them why their best customers buy from them,
Why Do You Believe Your Customer is Better Off?
If the last question I asked you was the toughest in the series to answer, today’s question might just be the most important.
Why are your customers better off for working with you?
This question makes you to consider the outcomes that you can provide, and it forces you to differentiate them from your competitors.
Why Do You Believe in Yourself?
Today’s episode poses a tough question…
Why do you believe in yourself?
Now, I’m not asking you if you believe in yourself. I’m asking you specifically why… (And why is this so hard for so many people to answer?)
A good 30% of people I ask respond to this question with, “because other people believe in me.”
That’s just not good enough.
Why Do You Believe in What You Sell?
Why do you believe in your products/services/solutions?
In the last episode I asked you to think about your company, now you’re going to start thinking about the things your company offers.
What problems or issues do they solve?
What kinds of results do they create?
How are they different from your competition?
Why Do You Believe in Your Company?
Why do you believe in your company?
It’s a simple question not asked often enough.
Is this just a job working for a company willing to pay you, or do their mission, vision, and values align with yours?
That alignment is going to be crucial for you to lean in when things inevitably get difficult.
What is Your Why?
I missed podcasting. I missed the feeling of getting behind this microphone knowing I've got to do something, knowing I've got to think about something out loud for you to hear. I do most of my very best work, when I'm on the spot, thinking out loud, and behind this microphone.
How To Determine Your Unique Value Proposition When You’re Wearing Lots of Hats
Here’s a simple way to tackle this exercise because it’s critical to your sales process.
You Cost Too Much! Or, Do You?
Is the cost objection to make you go away… or is there something else?
Need to Drum Up Business? Take a Cue from Musicians
There are some real lessons salespeople can learn from this blend of chops, finesse, and attack.
Stop Trying to Sell Like Someone Else
You won’t be as successful as you could be if you try to sell like someone else.
New Sales Gig in 2021? Do These Five Things to Set Yourself Up For Success
Taking on a new sales role often feels like drinking from a firehose. Use these tips to think differently.
Sales Leaders: Start Taking Ownership
What it really means to take ownership, and four ways you can start, now.
Sales Reps: Stop Doing This
Don’t equate the lack of a yes with a no. You’re projecting rejection.
How to Get Back Those Ghosted Leads
A few quick things to prevent breaks in your process, and a deeper a deeper look at why prospects go dark.
The Secret to Balancing a Sales Career with your Personal Life
These lessons from top sales professionals may help you find the balance you’re looking for.
A Repless Experience? Here We Go Again
Be careful not to mistake good marketing for the truth.
3 Keys to Building Confidence for Prospecting
You have all the pieces. The challenge is being patient.
The Rosetta Stone of Sales Management
The most important aspect of effective leadership probably scares you to death.
The Trust Formula Sales Leaders Need
Trust is the most valuable currency in the universe. Earn it, protect it, and be careful not to squander it.