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This Simple Mindset Shift Will Help You Succeed
Several years ago, I learned something that fundamentally altered the way I sold and dramatically changed the trajectory of my career. It wasn’t a new piece of technology. I didn’t read a book that gave me a tremendous new insight. I didn’t even find a new mentor.
Friction is Required for Polish
You’ve likely come out of 2020 as a better human being than you were, even if your business or your job don’t look anything like they used to.
Still Selling: What 2020 Changed… and What it Didn’t
Here are a few takeaways from a tumultuous year.
Are You Relentless?
A lot of people are looking forward to turning over a new leaf and using a new calendar... but this year ain’t over yet, and there’s still work to be done.
Establishing Boundaries and Defining Enough
In order to be successful, you need to do enough of the things that will make you successful. That's a simple concept, it's the 'whats' and the 'how manys' that are tougher to define.
Shortcuts to Success?
There's no such thing as an overnight success. Fortune favors those who are willing to show up every day and earn it.
Missing Out
FOMO is rooted in a scarcity mindset. When you’re worried you’ll miss an opportunity, it’s because you don’t think anther one will come along.
Pushy or Persistent?
You have to be persistent to win in the long term, but where is the line between persistent and pushy?
I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot
Every day presents an opportunity. Are you prepared to take advantage of it? Are you willing to?
You Can't Do It All
I know you want to do it all, so do I, but there are only so many hours in a day and so much focus to go around.
It'll Happen When it Happens
'Enough' is an arbitrary term, yet it's a concept that a lot of people struggle with. As soon as I stopped trying to do everything at once and took a more measured approach, my results took a turn for the better. Yours can too.
Control Issues
Like many salespeople, I’m a bit of a control enthusiast, but there comes a time when for everybody's benefit you just need to let it go.
The Next Right Thing
I've spent much of the last few weeks questioning a lot of the things I'm doing in my business and frankly, with my life. Fortunately, I'm pretty satisfied with the answers, but what's more important is that I'm asking the questions. Are you?
Tech Will Not Help You Sell
I don’t think tech helps you sell. I think tech helps you scale.
Are you Taking this as an Opportunity or a Distraction?
When this break is over, how will you report back about what happened? Will you have used it well or wasted an opportunity?
What my Golf and Pandemic Strategy Have in Common
It comes down to keeping things simple and doing the next right thing.
New Beginnings
What a time to spend in a deeply reflective state, wondering about what your future will look like, and how much of your past behaviors you want to bring with you.
What Can we Do Now?
So the key, as usual, is to set some boundaries along with some attainable objectives to keep things moving in a positive direction. All you can do is all you can do.
Don't Panic, PARE Things Down
When it feels like it’s hitting the proverbial fan, you need to circle the wagons and identify what’s really important. You need to PARE things down.
Are you using the placebo effect to your sales advantage?
The stories that we tell ourselves are the most powerful. People, by and large, believe that they get what they pay for: that's the placebo effect. Are you using it to your advantage?