Why Do Your Best Customers Buy From You?
95% of salespeople can’t answer this question correctly.
Today I’m going to ask you why your best customers buy from you, and you’re going to think about some answers. They’ll be pretty good answers, but here’s the trick…
If you haven’t asked, you don’t really know.
For years, I’ve been saying that if you lined up 100 salespeople and asked them why their best customers buy from them,
5 would know the answer because they’ve asked.
15 would guess right because they’re pretty intuitive and they listen well
80 would be dead wrong
Not only would they be wrong, but they’d be shocked to find the real answers because they’re not the bullet points listed on the company website or your shiny brochures.
Have you ever compared your marketing materials to your competitors’? Don’t they all look relatively the same? Haven’t we already discussed how important it is to differentiate yourself and your company?
You’ll never really know until you ask, which is what I’m going to challenge you to do.
Sit with your best customers, the ones you’d really like to replicate, and ask them why they started to do business with you. Then ask them to be more specific, because it’s tough for them to get vulnerable unless you create the space for them to do so.
What they’ll give you is gold.
Not only will it specifically tell you what you need to do to keep their business, it’ll also give you the exact language to find more customers like them.
And 95% of salespeople are not willing have this kind of a conversation. Think of the advantage this will give you if you’re one of the few who will.
Like where the show is going? Please tell a friend. What’s coming in the seasons to follow is my best work, and I know it will make a tangible impact on those who listen and are willing to do the work.