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Four Reasons the Pandemic Has Been Good for the Sales Profession
If sellers want to be successful in the future, the roadmap is right here in front of us.
Your Biggest Competitor is Not Who You Think
Is it the shop across the street? Is it the big-name in the marketplace? You’re probably wrong.
Prospecting? Give Up the Improv Act
Salespeople give up on their prospecting efforts entirely too quickly. Rethink your perspective and your preparation.
Here’s Why Selling Has Never Been About Face-to-Face
A return to normal is not the solution you should be looking (or waiting) for.
Zoom Fatigue: Is it Real, or is it You?
Zoom fatigue is the excuse du jour for sales reps who can't seem to be getting the job done right now.
This is What Great Discovery Looks Like
If there’s one skill set that is consistently lacking in a sales professional, it’s around discovery. People think they know how to ask good questions, but they don’t.
The Sales Step that Separates Top Performers from the Rest
This is where the real magic happens. It’s no wonder that it’s the biggest separator between top performers and the rest.
How To Balance Prospecting and Discovery
Sellers aren’t spending enough time doing good discovery work to make those prospecting efforts really pay off.
The Conversation Sales Leaders Should be Having... But Aren’t
It’s so simple, I can’t believe I have to write this, but simply put: Do your reps know where their revenue growth can come from this year?
This Simple Mindset Shift Will Help You Succeed
Several years ago, I learned something that fundamentally altered the way I sold and dramatically changed the trajectory of my career. It wasn’t a new piece of technology. I didn’t read a book that gave me a tremendous new insight. I didn’t even find a new mentor.
Friction is Required for Polish
You’ve likely come out of 2020 as a better human being than you were, even if your business or your job don’t look anything like they used to.
Still Selling: What 2020 Changed… and What it Didn’t
Here are a few takeaways from a tumultuous year.
Take Your Content to Your Customers
It’s still important to take content (blog posts, videos, how-to guides, etc.) to our customers rather than just putting it somewhere we hope they’ll find it.
These 3 Simple Things Get in the Way of More Sales
There are three obstacles between you and sales success… overcoming them starts by knowing them.
The Difference in 2021 Starts with You
Nothing will change substantially in your world just because you hang a new set of papers on your wall.
Are You Relentless?
A lot of people are looking forward to turning over a new leaf and using a new calendar... but this year ain’t over yet, and there’s still work to be done.
A Tool to Target Growth
As you look at the year ahead and forecast revenues, it’s important to know how to best identify your opportunities.
Treat Your Team Like Customers
Chances are you just want people to raise their game a little bit and see some incremental improvement. That means you need to raise yours.