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How to Create a Template for Success
When you get your priorities straight, good things happen.
7 Questions That Lead to Better Results
This seven-question framework establishes accountability within your sales team and improves results.
Establishing Boundaries and Defining Enough
In order to be successful, you need to do enough of the things that will make you successful. That's a simple concept, it's the 'whats' and the 'how manys' that are tougher to define.
Shortcuts to Success?
There's no such thing as an overnight success. Fortune favors those who are willing to show up every day and earn it.
You Don't Have To Have The Right Answer
Too many salespeople are worried about saying the right thing instead of being someone worth talking to. It's like participating in a conversation by waiting for your turn to speak instead of listening to what the other person is saying.
There's More Than One Right Answer
As much as our one-track minds would like to make us believe that there's one very best way to do things, there are almost always several solutions to the same problem.
Missing Out
FOMO is rooted in a scarcity mindset. When you’re worried you’ll miss an opportunity, it’s because you don’t think anther one will come along.
Pushy or Persistent?
You have to be persistent to win in the long term, but where is the line between persistent and pushy?
Pipeline Management 101
Every once in awhile it's good to review your fundamentals, especially as they relate to managing your sales funnel.
I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot
Every day presents an opportunity. Are you prepared to take advantage of it? Are you willing to?
You Can't Do It All
I know you want to do it all, so do I, but there are only so many hours in a day and so much focus to go around.
More Than a Golf Lesson
Do what's necessary to let things happen more than trying to make them happen, and I think you'll like the outcomes a lot better.
Help Me, Obi-Wan
Your prospects and customers aren't looking for a hero in the face of change, they're looking for calm stability and someone who can help them get where they want to go.
You Don't Have a Closing Problem
There's a really good chance that your skill set is not the thing that is getting in the way of your growth. It's also highly possible that it's not your mindset either.
Hang In There
The “dog days” are upon us, but that’s not the only reason that your sales cycles are taking a little longer than you’d hoped. Manage your expectations, make sure next steps are in place, and then manage your expectations again…
Are You Shifting?
People are resistant to change. Sometimes for no reason at all, and sometimes when it would even be in their best interest.
Ask, Don’t Tell
You cannot deliver a valuable message without the attention of the recipient, yet that's exactly the step most salespeople try to skip.
Sweating It
When results are less than optimal, organizations typically go in one of two directions, and it's often not the right one.
You Don't Have A Pandemic Problem
A lot of sellers are concerned right now. Because of the pandemic, they can't sell the way they used to. Something definitely has to change, but those changes were going to need to be made regardless of the pandemic.
It'll Happen When it Happens
'Enough' is an arbitrary term, yet it's a concept that a lot of people struggle with. As soon as I stopped trying to do everything at once and took a more measured approach, my results took a turn for the better. Yours can too.