The Conversation Sales Leaders Should be Having... But Aren’t

I work with a lot of sales leaders, and since it’s early in the year, we’re talking a lot about budgets and quotas. I’ve advised  them to do something for their teams that nobody ever really did for me, except for maybe one guy who I’m not allowed to name (that’s an inside joke and he’s laughing right now). If leaders would implement this practice, engagement by reps and quota attainment would skyrocket.

It’s so simple, I can’t believe I have to write this, but simply put: Do your reps know where their revenue growth can come from this year?

Year after year, I was given  a number along with a figurative pat on the back and a, “Go get ‘em, Tiger” at the national sales meeting. No explanation or real discussion at all, just the faith that I’d be able to figure it out and deliver results. Aside from a couple of notable exceptions, these numbers were pretty much non-negotiable.

I guess it was assumed that after sitting through a day and a half of product training sessions from the stage and regional strategy meetings that I’d be able to put two and two together (and do the rest of the math) myself. I appreciate the good faith, and I was able to, more often than not, but too many others weren’t. 

This confirms that quotas and growth percentages are in fact pulled out of thin air and distributed to reps, while front line managers shrug their shoulders. Does that sound like an effective start to your best year ever?

Put Quotas Into Context

Here’s what I suggest: provide some context to your team. The conversation goes something like this:

“Jeff, we’re looking to get 12% growth out of you this year. I’ve done a little homework on your territory, and while you know it better than I do, this is what I see… With the new products we’re launching in Q2, I think these particular accounts have a lot of potential. You also brought on a couple of new logos in Q4, and there will be pretty good growth right there by way of having them on board for the whole calendar year. We’re going to meet again next week, and as homework, I want you to do some deeper analysis on these accounts and maybe think of a couple others that could be a good fit.

I know it seems a little steep, and it’s even a little more than some of your teammates, but if you keep doing the good work you’re doing, you’ll also uncover a lot of new opportunities. I think you can really crush it this year, and after next week’s meeting, I think we’ll have a pretty good idea of how to execute.”

I’ve talked to a fair amount of leaders, and nobody’s doing this. Why not?

Think about the connection it creates, the accountability it instills, and the results it makes possible. This is the work of the leader.

They‘re Still Doing The Work 

No, you’re not doing your reps’ jobs for them. They need to do the heavy lifting. But as the field general, you have a pretty good working knowledge of the territory right? Right? Give your reps what you see is possible from your 10,000 foot view, and let them add to it with the information they have from being on the ground. Develop the plan together so they know you’re there to support them, and so you know what they’ll need in order to execute.

Now you’re better able to support, and they’re accountable to a growth plan rather than settling into account management and the other distractions that keep them from growing the business.

It’s probably a bit of extra work, but is there anything else you could do with the extra few days it would take to pull this off (depending on the size of your team) that could have a bigger impact? If there is, I want to know.

I also want to hear from you if you’re doing this or know somebody who is with their team. I’d like to talk with them about how it’s impacted their results, because I just don’t see how this isn’t a game-changer.

Your (and your team’s) best year ever isn’t going to happen without you making a few tweaks to your game plan. It’s not too late to implement this, or even adjust a couple of quotas if necessary to get that done.

Want more? Join our conversation in the Rethink The Way You Sell Community.


Jeff Bajorek

Real. Authentic. Experience.

There’s a big difference between knowing how to sell and being able to. Jeff Bajorek spent over a decade in the field as a top performer. He’s been in your shoes. He knows what it will take. He can help you succeed.

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