You Don't Have a Closing Problem

Recently, I started the fifth year of an engagement with a client. As you can imagine, when you spend that kind of time behind the curtain, you get to know people, their talents, and their tendencies pretty well. That really allows me to tailor what I do for them.

When I started in 2015, I was brought in to teach some selling skills, and help some small business owners take that next step beyond management, and actually take responsibility for their own location's growth too.

No, they weren't comfortable with the concept of selling, and they certainly lacked the knowledge and skill set to do so, but those who were most willing to learn picked them up quite quickly. Several of their businesses absolutely took off, and have remained on that high-performing trajectory ever since. It's really cool to watch, and so rewarding.

Others didn't take to it as well. It wasn't because they weren't intelligent enough to grasp the concepts, we talk about fairly simple B2B concepts in a fairly straightforward transactional sale. It wasn't even because they didn't want to- they took these positions that came with equity because they wanted to be rewarded for growing.

Let's not overcomplicate this... In most B2B sales situations, the people doing the work are going to win. Does that sound like you? Be honest.

What gets in their way, and what likely gets in yours, is not a lack of skills or desire, it's the ability and willingness to be relentless about what they do and what they don't.

It's much easier to say that than to do it, and I'm a living, breathing example of it too. We've all had those weeks where there are a bunch of things to take care of but maybe not a firm deadline. Something needs to be done by the end of the week (maybe even by 8am Eastern time on Sunday) and it's on your mind, but since it doesn't need to be done immediately, you let it slide a little bit. Then the sun comes out for what feels like the first time in forever, and you want to spend a little time outside. The kids are out of school for the summer, and you're getting used to a new routine. Whatever it is, there's never a shortage of things popping up to distract you, especially with a computer in your pocket.

A slight aside: a friend of mine posted this on Instagram this week. He was horrified by what he saw, and about two minutes later, his next post was "I'm out..." Good on him for taking action.

What happens when we allow ourselves to get distracted? What happens when we're aware of what needs to be done, and we commit to getting it done eventually, but without immediate urgency? Well, we get a lot less done.

What doesn't get accomplished? That prospect you've been meaning to follow up with, the book you have been meaning to read, the meeting you've been meaning to schedule, the other outreach you've been meaning to do...

But nevermind that, the grass needs to be cut, and this is your only window before it rains again for the next three days, right?

What I've learned with this long-time client that I've seen in almost every other client that I've worked with along the way is that the biggest contributer to growth is setting boundaries to allow you to do the things you need to do to grow, and then doing those things. It's not sexy to talk about growing revenues by utilizing a calendar more effectively, but I don't care how good of a rep you are, if you don't protect your time to sell, then you're not going to sell much. Along the same lines, if you don't honor the boundaries in your schedule, actually keep those appointments with yourself, and discipline yourself to do what needs to be done and ignore the distractions, then you're not going to sell much.

Let's not overcomplicate this... In most B2B sales situations, the people doing the work are going to win. Does that sound like you? Be honest.

If you want more on this topic, check out my whitepaper, You Don't Have A Closing Problem.

What do you think? Join the conversation in the Rethink The Way You Sell Community.


Jeff Bajorek

Real. Authentic. Experience.

There’s a big difference between knowing how to sell and being able to. Jeff Bajorek spent over a decade in the field as a top performer. He’s been in your shoes. He knows what it will take. He can help you succeed.

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