Learn more. Sell better.
The Three-Letter Thing That’s Standing in the Way of your Sales Success
In sales, ego is your enemy. The way to combat it is not by backing down, but rather by stepping up.
Sales Slump?: How to Block out the Noise and Control the Controllables
If you're doing everything right, and the dominoes just aren't falling yet, then keep your chin up, put your head down, and keep going.
How to Break Through Sales Excuses and Pick Up the Phone
What’s stopping you from picking up the phone?
Learn from your Own Buying Process
Do you ever consider your own buying decisions and processes? How do they relate to your prospects’ decision-making processes? What do you need to overcome that you may not realize you aren’t even addressing?
What’s the Next Step?
I hear a lot of salespeople talking about the "good conversations" they have with prospects and customers. Here's my problem: most of those “good conversations” don't go anywhere, because the seller doesn't do anything with them.
Don’t Let your Authenticity Slow you Down
What are the good attributes of salespeople like that? In an era where everybody is your friend because of social media, and we're all kinder, gentler sellers, can we take anything positive away from the 'old school' sales guy?
Lessons from an Impromptu Fast
I didn’t eat for almost half the week (on purpose!), and I learned more than I bargained for.
Discount is a Four-Letter Word
When you lower your price, you’ve failed to create enough value to justify the original quote.
The Problem with “Setting Goals”
The problem with goal setting is that most people don't have a good context within which to set them.
Are you Arrogant Enough?
All too often, self-imposed limitations born from a lack of self-belief are allowed to thrive in the name of humility.
Stop Dumping your Message on Prospects
Now more than ever, if you want people to hear your message (let alone have it resonate with them) you need to secure their interest first.
Flipping the Switch from Slog to Intentional Focus
Are you willing to make a commitment? Will you take ownership of the outcomes so that your efforts are worthwhile? Or instead, are you just going to slog through another year and get results that are less than what you're capable of?
Stop. Think. Assess. Reflect.
Hustle is not about doing more than anyone else. It's about finding ways to be more effective than anyone else. Sometimes, you accomplish that by slowing down.
Has Selling Really Changed?
The most powerful stories are the ones people tell themselves, and it’s easy to get swept away in the compelling arguments that everyone else is making, but is selling really any different “than it used to be?”
Success is in the eye of the Beholder
Success is not about crossing some inanimate finish line or sleeping on a big pile of money. To me, success is showing up every day and doing the work that allows you to connect with and enrich the lives of other people.
"Likeability" Is Not Enough
A personal relationship will sometimes form out of a professional one, but it rarely goes the other way around. Stop telling yourself that lie.
What OrangeTheory Taught me About Sales
A focus solely on the results (or lack thereof) is highly problematic though because despite what you're desperate to believe, you don't have nearly as much control over those results as you'd like. What you do have control over, however, is the process you undertake to generate those results.
3 Things that Great Salespeople Do
Failure in sales rarely has anything to do with the product or the company. It's got a lot more to do with three things that are imminently within your control.