Mindset Current 120 Mindset Current 120

Lessons from Vacation

Vacation does so much more than recharge the batteries. It reminds you what is important, and it interrupts the steady stream of noise we navigate daily.

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Mindset Current 120 Mindset Current 120

Why do you work so hard?

Adding an extra day to a business trip is not a vacation. Working remotely from a beach or a golf course is not a vacation. While they are perks of the job, let's stop pretending that they're ideal. Stop convincing yourself that the whole enterprise will fall apart if you're not constantly connected.

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Mindset Current 120 Mindset Current 120

The Island of Misfit Salespeople

When you get the leeway to take more risks and push more envelopes, you begin to break away from the pack. Suddenly, you look around and notice you're doing things a lot differently than your peers. It's like you're on an island. Even though you're there for all the right reasons, you still feel like you're alone.

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Sales Process Current 120 Sales Process Current 120

Take the Long Road

No matter how you slice it, there is no such thing as a sustainable shortcut. On a long enough timeline, those who do things the right way prevail over people who consistently cut corners.

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Mindset Current 120 Mindset Current 120

The Secret of the Top 5% of Sales People

The average sales person doesn't realize that he can't just read his print copy to people and expect customers to buy. Talking points are meaningless unless they're intensely personal. Work ethic, hustle, and customer service are not salient enough concepts to convert customers by themselves.

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Sales Process Jeff Bajorek Sales Process Jeff Bajorek

Stop Pulling Ahead or Delaying Orders

When you start pulling orders ahead, you start the next period at a deficit, which adds a level of pressure and uncertainty to your performance for the next month. You’re increasingly likely to borrow again from Peter to pay Paul. Not only is this a symptom of a terrible pipeline, but it’s only a matter of time before you do long term damage to your business, and your reputation as a salesperson.

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Prospecting Jeff Bajorek Prospecting Jeff Bajorek

5 Best Practices to Improve Your Sales Emails

I love email. I think it’s a very effective communication tool. That said, I think we take a few too many liberties with this medium. There’s no denying email can be a wonderful communication channel, but it becomes problematic when it is our primary communication channel.

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