Learn more. Sell better.
Ask These 5 Questions to Learn from Lost Opportunities
If we shift our perspective and think of lost sales as opportunities to learn and adapt, we have much more to gain. I recommend asking yourself these questions to learn from “no.”
4 Ways to Retool your Attitude to Thrive in the Face of Adversity
When challenges arise, it’s easy to get defensive and complain, but when the going gets tough, the tough get going. The tough view obstacles as opportunities. Sometimes we all need an attitude adjustment.
Why Your Prospect’s Budget Doesn’t Matter
Stop worrying about the budget and start talking about solutions to problems that were previously impossible to solve.
Your Prospect’s Buying Decision is Not Yours to Make
No matter what you do, or how much effort you exert, in the end, it is your prospect’s decision. You must remove your ego from the sales process and realize there is a limit to what you can do.
Let's Face It - Nobody Cares About Your Product
You have to do the hard work up front to understand the challenges your customers face, and how you’re uniquely positioned to help them. What do you bring to the table that nobody else does?
When it Goes Sideways
I’ve written a lot about the necessity of a positive attitude for success. There just isn’t any way around it. You’ve got to build one, then work your tail off to maintain it.
Take Your Sales Pitch from "So What?" to "Say What!?"
Your prospect doesn’t care about your product. What they care about is how that product is going to help them achieve their goals– as specifically as possible.
Is Overthinking Killing Your Prospecting?
Prospecting methods have evolved over time and continue to differ across industries, but the principle remains: the mode doesn’t matter as much as the message.
Vulnerability: The Secret to Closing More Sales
You probably don’t ask your prospects directly on sales calls, “Can we get vulnerable for a minute?” But in reality, that is what you’re requesting. Vulnerability.
5 Questions to Reset your Sales Timeline Expectations
Maybe you have a verbal commitment. Maybe you’ve followed up a few times. Maybe you’re considering moving on to a new prospect because you just can’t seem to get through. It seems they’re just not that interested.
Closing Sales: Are you Patient or are you Pressing?
The key to getting home is not a frantic push. It’s patience, and the confidence that you’re doing the right things with the right people to accomplish your goals.
4 Inspiring Thoughts on Wisdom from Rob Bell
Keep these philosophies in mind on your next prospecting call and during every interaction you have…
6 Prospecting Keys to Help You Get to the Decision Maker
Successful sales prospecting starts with understanding your unique value proposition.
Guest Post: Focus on Others
The strongest connections I’ve ever created have all started as a result of me giving in some way to the other person FIRST.
Five Books Every New Salesperson Should Read
I was recently asked this question, and I sat down to try and come up with a definitive group. I’ve got to admit, after an 11+ year career of sales and challenging myself to get better, I’ve got quite a library to narrow down.
3 Killer Ways to Build and Maintain Momentum in Sales
I believe momentum doesn’t just happen to you. If you want it you have to create it yourself, right now, by getting up and getting started.
Sales Process Check-Up: Do you have a plan to achieve your goals?
Sales is a results-oriented game, so it’s easy to focus on the results and assume that with your eye on the prize, everything else will magically fall into place. That’s only partially true – it’s not the whole story.
Sell Like the Rock Star you Are
You’d be surprised to find out how often that attitude check at the door is all that stands between you and what you want.
What Are you Doing Every Day to Get Better at Sales?
I want to challenge you to think about the thing that is holding you back. 99% of the time that thing is you, and it’s time you stopped making excuses.
A Scorable Sales System to Simplify your Sales Process
Within weeks of employing this system, my effectiveness was off the charts, and everything seemed like a win. I doubled the business in my new position in less than six months.