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Four Reasons the Pandemic Has Been Good for the Sales Profession
If sellers want to be successful in the future, the roadmap is right here in front of us.
Your Biggest Competitor is Not Who You Think
Is it the shop across the street? Is it the big-name in the marketplace? You’re probably wrong.
Prospecting? Give Up the Improv Act
Salespeople give up on their prospecting efforts entirely too quickly. Rethink your perspective and your preparation.
Here’s Why Selling Has Never Been About Face-to-Face
A return to normal is not the solution you should be looking (or waiting) for.
Zoom Fatigue: Is it Real, or is it You?
Zoom fatigue is the excuse du jour for sales reps who can't seem to be getting the job done right now.
The Conversation Sales Leaders Should be Having... But Aren’t
It’s so simple, I can’t believe I have to write this, but simply put: Do your reps know where their revenue growth can come from this year?
Treat Your Team Like Customers
Chances are you just want people to raise their game a little bit and see some incremental improvement. That means you need to raise yours.
7 Questions That Lead to Better Results
This seven-question framework establishes accountability within your sales team and improves results.
Help Me, Obi-Wan
Your prospects and customers aren't looking for a hero in the face of change, they're looking for calm stability and someone who can help them get where they want to go.
Overcoming Stereotypes and Redefining the Sale
To redefine selling, we need to redefine the sale. Brian Tracy says that “a sale is nothing more than a transfer of enthusiasm from one party to another.” This is my favorite definition. There really isn’t a whole lot more to it than that, and most sales that are made don’t even involve money.
Increase Your Sales Swagger and Become the Best in the World
Your attitude is the foundation for your success. Work on it, build it, and remind yourself of it. The world is a better place when you’ve got your swagger about you, and you can’t count on anybody but yourself (or maybe your mom) to boost it.
You Do Not Sell a Commodity
Your product is not a commodity. There are significant differences between you and your competitors. However, your prospect may not yet appreciate those differences.
Embrace the Struggle
The fact is, sales success is difficult to achieve. But there’s a lot of satisfaction in learning to accomplish things that have a high degree of difficulty.