What Do You Bring to the Table? Drive Sales with Differentiation and Critical Thinking

In this enlightening episode of Rethink The Way You Sell, host Jeff Bajorek highlights the significance of differentiation in your sales approach and the necessity to question conventional sales wisdom by promoting critical thinking. With personal anecdotes and a focus on accountability, self-assessment, and self-awareness, Jeff encourages listeners to challenge traditional sales techniques, adjust their strategies, and unlock their potential to connect with customers and succeed in a competitive sales environment.

Throughout the episode, Jeff guides listeners in aligning their core beliefs with their sales processes and shares a simple exercise to help identify crucial differentiators. By re-evaluating your purpose, understanding customers' needs, and adopting unconventional approaches, you'll unlock unlimited sales potential and achieve greater success in your sales career.

Key Takeaways:

4:38 Embrace differentiation - Effective sales strategies require setting yourself apart from competitors and finding unique selling propositions.

8:17 You lose business the same way you win business - Foster critical thinking and be open to exploring innovative approaches or risk losing out to price

11:58 What is the feature? What is the benefit? What does the outcome look like? - Get clear on what it is that you do and how you help.


Reconnect and Reset


Keep Your Head Where Your Feet Are