Redefine Success And Failure

Most salespeople have terrible definitions of what it means to succeed and what it means to fail. The lack of perspective sets the bar way too high for most people to see exactly how well they’re actually doing.

One of the best things about selling is that it’s a results-oriented game. You made the sale or you didn’t. But that doesn’t mean you have to make the sale in one call in order for that call to be considered a success. 

There are a lot of little steps that add up a long the way, and if you can’t see those steps for what they are, you’re going to miss out on a lot of wins.

Stop trying to say the perfect thing to the perfect person at the perfect time. Give yourself permission to be patient. No step is too small so long as it’s headed in the right direction and you keep taking steps. 

This mindset will encourage you to pursue deals longer before giving up on them. It will also help you to see buying signals and intentions that others will miss. It will keep your pipeline fuller longer and help your tart hitting your numbers more consistently instead of the constant roller coaster at the end of the month or quarter.

Change your perspective and you’ll change your results. Rethink The Way You Sell®.


"I Can't..."​


Big Magic with Harriet Mellor