5 Simple Steps to Better Outbound Messaging
To be an effective prospector, you need to reach out longer and more often to your prospects than you do. Once every two weeks for a couple of months isn't going to do it- you're just not creating any momentum. Likewise, those three messages you send in a week's time are easily ignored, and most of your prospects know you can be waited out.
You're afraid to do more because you don’t want to annoy those prospects and ruin any potential opportunities. You probably feel stuck, but remember: being a pest doesn’t have anything to do with the cadence. It has everything to do with the value of the messaging.
That messaging is more valuable when it is customer-centric, provokes critical thought, presents new insights, and encourages further discovery of the problem. If it shows them you're someone worth talking to, and you have something worth talking about, you'll get more meeting connections and fewer people asking you to stop calling.
Here are five simple steps to creating outbound messaging you can believe will create more interested prospects and fewer annoyed leads.
1. What are the problems you solve for your prospects?
Their actual problems, not the way you help them. Write them down as simply as possible.
“Salespeople don’t have enough pipeline.”
2. What's different about your solution(s)?
What do you bring to the table that others don’t? If you cannot differentiate, you cannot sell.
“I give sellers the principles and tools they need to create messaging they can believe in rather than give them the scripts that worked for me.”
3. Why are those differences valuable?
What are the benefits of your unique approach?
“My clients take ownership of their messaging and have the confidence that it will work. They also understand how to adapt it in the ever-changing selling environment.”
4. What outcomes do those differentiators create or make possible?
What can your clients expect as a result of your solution?
“Knowing how to sell is much more valuable than knowing what to say. My clients are equipped to make sales for life.”
5. What are some questions you would ask to start conversations about those outcomes?
Questions start conversations. How would you provoke a conversation about your unique solution?
“How resilient is your team in this challenging selling environment? Have they been able to adapt and stay productive?”
Most teams I work with take these concepts for granted and can't articulate them. You can't afford to do that. They're not only the foundation of a successful outbound campaign; they're the roots of your ability to communicate value through your discovery, handle objections, and ask for commitments to move forward.
Make this an exercise for your next team meeting, and watch your pipeline start to overflow.
From left to right- me, Mike Simmons, Shelton Banks, Jacquelyn Nicholson, Scott Leese, Larry Long, Jr., Matt Austin, John Weiler.