You Must Believe You Can Win

Your belief in yourself is what drives you when the going gets tough. It’s a rudder in turbulent waters. If you don’t have a clear understanding of why you want to help the people you’re helping with the solution you have, then you have to ask yourself if you’re in the right place.

This is such an important concept, but a lot of teams miss it. It’s taken for granted because people choose where they work. Don’t make that assumption.

One of the most powerful exercises I do with the teams I work with is called ‘What Is Your Why?’ It consists of these five questions:

  • Why do you believe in your company?

  • Why do you believe in what you sell?

  • Why do you believe in yourself?

  • Why are your customers better off for having purchased from you?

  • Why do your best customers buy from you?

This exercise makes for a tremendous team meeting. Have everybody share their answers to each question. You’ll get unexpected contributions from unexpected people After an hour or so, the energy level in the room is palpably lifted. Your whole team will have a renewed perspective and drive.

If you want to maximize your time, give the team some homework and have them show up prepared with their answers. if they need a little extra context, I explore each of these questions in detail in Season 1 of the Rethink The Way You Sell Podcast


Deepen Your Sales Belief


Remove Timing From Your Sales Equation