Empathy is Trading at an All-Time High

Everybody reacts differently in situations like these. It's more important than ever to put yourself in your prospect's shoes, and perhaps consider factors that you haven't in the past.

Over the past few weeks, while we’ve heard about how “easy” it is to work from home, it feels like there’s a ton of pressure to act as if there’s nothing going on; as if the world isn’t currently and actively changing around us. I think we need to pump the brakes on that concept.

I’ve long held the opinion that now is not the time to panic, hide under the covers, and wait for this whole thing to pass. That approach is not helpful nor productive.

Now is the time to focus on what can be done under the current circumstances, move ahead wherever possible, and keep taking steps toward progress- even if they’re little ones.

But, here's something that's not really being talked about, maybe what a lot of people aren't willing to admit out loud...

We have to move forward with the recognition that while for some people this crisis represents opportunity and business is actually growing, but for others, it's an absolute nightmare right now.

We’re not working from home so much as we’re home trying to get some work done. Some people have new distractions while they’re trying to work, while others are just plain distracted. I for one, am distracted by the fact that I’m distracted. It’s frustrating, and if I let it, it’ll start to pile up. That’s not helpful, and I know I'm not alone.

Your responsibility through all of this is to assess each situation individually and meet your prospects where they are. Instead of asking yourself what you can sell them today, ask yourself what your prospect needs from you today

The answers to those questions might be different for every person you talk to. Now is not the time to worry about scaling. Now is the time to be much more concerned about connecting. 

I wrote recently that businesses will start to recognize that they can’t afford to sit still for much longer. As we gain more clarity on this situation, and as assistance programs start to get rolled out here in the US, it’s becoming a little more clear how some companies will be able to act. What has never been in doubt is whether or not we will collectively make it through this.

I believe that the way you act during times like these is remembered and rewarded (or not) when things get better. Your prospects and customers are paying attention right now. 

  • They will notice your presence or your absence, and they will notice your demeanor either way. 

  • They will notice the way you carry yourself when the stakes are highest because crisis reveals character. 

  • They are already noticing what’s most important to them, and every relationship, person and professional, is being scrutinized right now. 

How will your relationship be judged? Are you connecting to the person in front of you or are you more concerned about the sale that’s behind them?

You can’t afford to make assumptions, and you can’t afford to be sloppy in your process. Now more than ever, you need to make sure your fundamentals are tight and well-executed. 

It’s not business as usual right now- it needs to be better than that.

How are your fundamentals? Is there room to tighten them up? Are your questions and your next steps clear? I'm here to help. If you want some advice, or if you just need a pep talk, contact me. We’ll connect on the phone or over Zoom and get you straightened out so you can take advantage of the current situation and be ready to thrive when we come through this.

Keep taking steps forward.


Jeff Bajorek

Real. Authentic. Experience.

There’s a big difference between knowing how to sell and being able to. Jeff Bajorek spent over a decade in the field as a top performer. He’s been in your shoes. He knows what it will take. He can help you succeed.

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