The #1 Sales Mistake You’re Likely Making

I see something happening all too often with my clients. Your intentions are good, but it drives me nuts, and you need to stop it.

I know... You're not like those salespeople... You don't sell snake oil or other products that don't actually work. You're not just out to take money from people and give nothing in return. You're anything but this guy.

You're multidimensional. You're generous. Doggone it, people like you, and you're out to show that you're friendly and enjoyable to be around.

That's exactly where you screw it up.

You're trying so hard not to be perceived as that salesperson that you aren't taken seriously as a salesperson at all. I think you can see why this is a problem, and it may just be why you're not getting the results you're looking for.

It happens all the time. You book the meetings. You have opportunities to present real value to prospective customers. But somewhere along the way, you heard that people buy from people they like, so you decided to go all-in on being likable rather than being valuable. And that's where the train gets derailed.

I'm going to share a dirty little secret with you... Your prospect expects to be sold to. They're expecting a business conversation. You did not book social time. And if you don't follow through, they will be disappointed.

If you've gotten as far as getting someone's attention, and they give you time on their calendar, and they're willing to listen to what you have to say, then you'd better move the sales process forward in some way. You owe it to them.

Sometimes meetings like this happen because you want to cozy up to your prospect first. Other times they happen because you don't even know what the next step is, let alone how to get there. In any case, it's a misuse of your time, and theirs, and you're the only one who can take responsibility for that. Remember, your customers will not allow you to waste their time twice.

I'm not telling you that you shouldn't be friendly. I'm not saying that business relationships don't sometimes, even often, turn into personal ones. I do, however, want you to think about what the real purpose of your meeting is, what needs to happen in order to consider it a success and then take steps to make it successful. There's no reason you can't be likable while still being productive.


Jeff Bajorek

Real. Authentic. Experience.

There’s a big difference between knowing how to sell and being able to. Jeff Bajorek spent over a decade in the field as a top performer. He’s been in your shoes. He knows what it will take. He can help you succeed.

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