Rethink the way you sell.
My library of sales and leadership books will help you focus on sales fundamentals and rethink the way you sell. Simple, to the point practical sales knowledge.
My Books
Available in paperback, audiobook, and kindle.
In this book, I offer a roadmap for the best way to sell during challenging seasons that include the strategies I’ve leveraged throughout my career to get through ruts and move beyond them.
In this book, I discuss the five fundamentals of prospecting that have either been ignored or forgotten, and I give you practical exercises to master them.
This ebook walks you through each step of the sales process, from getting your head in the game before a sales call and prospecting to closing a lead and analyzing missed opportunities. Every step of the way, it gives you fresh perspective and tips to rethink the way you sell.

“When it comes to sales and life advice, especially when the situation is urgent, I like simple, practical, and powerful. Bajorek’s guide and his P.A.R.E. acronym hits the mark and should be required reading for anyone in business. Put this helpful advice to use now!”
When it Goes Sideways
How to Reset, Refocus, and Thrive During a Sales Crisis
The spring of 2020 has presented unique challenges and opportunities for salespeople in nearly every industry. Many sellers are left wondering, “What do I do now?”
When you boil it all down, the best next steps forward are the same now as they always are. Get back to fundamentals and make sure to keep taking steps.
In this book, I offer a roadmap for the best way to sell during challenging seasons that include the strategies I’ve leveraged throughout my career to get through ruts and move beyond them. I walk through how to PARE things down, focus on what’s important, reset, keep your confidence, and stride forward effectively, regardless of the obstacle.
The Five Forgotten Fundamentals of Prospecting
Transform the way you prospect.
My book, The Five Forgotten Fundamentals of Prospecting, is full of insanely simple prospecting advice most salespeople ignore. Do yourself, or your team, a favor and grab a copy.
There is no denying how important a healthy pipeline is to sales success. However, much time is spent arguing over how to fill it rather than understanding the fundamentals that will keep it full. Only with the proper foundation in place, can success be sustained. In this book, I discuss the five fundamentals of prospecting that have either been ignored or forgotten, and gives you practical exercises to master them.
Rethink the Way you Sell
A Guide to Owning Your Sales Process
This ebook walks through each step of the sales process, from your mindset before a sales call to following up with prospects and analyzing missed opportunities. Every step of the way, it provides a fresh perspective and tips to Rethink The Way You Sell.
A lot of sales professionals today are looking for a quick fix, tool, or hack to make their lives easier. I think that is the wrong approach. In this eBook, I encourage you to ditch quick-fix, pre-prescribed sales methods and add connection, value, and thought to your approach to selling.

“The prospect of prospecting leaves many defeated before they start. Jeff Bajorek changes that thought process from fear of losing to pride of winning. This book will fill your pipeline, your calendar, and your wallet.”